A Room Filled With Furniture And Vase Of Flowers On A Table
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El Gerente de Ama de Llaves

El Gerente de Ama de Llaves, se asegura de que todos los estándares de limpieza y calidad establecidos, se cumplan constantemente, incluidas las áreas públicas, el restaurante, hotel y exteriores. Se asegurará de que su departamento funcione efectivamente, con una comunicación continua con el personal a su cargo y con el resto de las áreas, para lograr ese objetivo. Esta posición también implica una administración eficaz de recursos materiales y de personal a su cargo.

Housekeeping Manager

The Housekeeping Manager ensures that all established cleaning and quality standards are consistently met, including in public areas, the restaurant, hotel, and exterior spaces. They will ensure that their department operates effectively, with continuous communication with the staff under their supervision and with the other departments to achieve this goal. This position also involves the efficient management of material and personnel resources under their charge. Currently only hiring Mexican nationals.